Here is a little function i wrote some time ago. If you want to
initialize your agents onto a specific face of your mesh , this is what
you're looking for mate!.You provide,as argument, aWEFace and it returns
a vec3D (toxiclibs library needed).
Vec3D initInTriangle3D(WEFace f) {
Vec3D r = new Vec3D();
float a1 = random(1.0);
float a2 = random(1.0);
Vec3D v0 = f.a.copy();
Vec3D v1 = f.b.copy().sub(v0);
Vec3D v2 = f.c.copy().sub(v0);
r = v1.copy().scaleSelf(a1).addSelf(v2.copy().scaleSelf(a2).scaleSelf(1-a1));
Vec3D r1 = new Vec3D(r.x, r.y, r.z);
return r1;
Grab the processing file here.
I have other functions and piece of code that i'll be posting (hope weekly).
Also possible much shorter:
ReplyDeleteVec3D randomFacePoint(Face face) {
float u = random(1);
float v = random(1-u);
return face.toTriangle().fromBarycentric(new Vec3D(u, v, 1-u-v));
uuu great...thanks Karsten!